India Sanitation Project:

The impact of our WASH programmes in India

Water Sanitation and Hygiene

India, with its large population and difficult living conditions, has struggled to provide communities with stable and clean shelter. Further relevant as the population fights to beat the global COVID-19 pandemic. But why is sanitation so important? Especially with the ongoing pandemic, families, communities, and individuals have needed a safe and clean place to self-isolate. Without this, the spread of COVID-19 is enabled, endangering large communities of people who live close together in the slums of India.

Our Solutions:

One solution that Habitat for Humanity have already started to implement in response to COVID-19 is our Hygiene Kits, a package of sanitation essentials fighting back against the virus. Although, to be influential in conflicted areas, we rely on external funding from our partners and supporters. Knowing that large scale problems require large scale projects and solutions, having support for our efforts financially is crucial.

The generous funding we receive is then fed directly into our response projects. In order to be most impactful in conflicted areas, we use a structured and community focused approach to identify the uniqueness of the conflict. This can be further understood by breaking down our three step method:

  1. Locating a community or school and understanding and assessing the main areas that need relief through our project implementation.
    2. Depending on the areas labelled “most critical”, our team decides to either tackle this problem ourselves, or reach out to our partners.
    3. Habitat for Humanity aids the construction of the project with the aid of our experienced teams.

Safe and clean

Building a safe, decent home allows all members of the families we work with to live freely and happily. One the families we have worked with saw Leela Chimte, the mother of two boys, Rutik and Rohit, talk about how they are now able to play inside in a dry and comfortable home. Rohit told us that he most enjoyed his home because it was a “safe, easy environment to study in.”

He is able to work harder because there is more space and no distractions. Rohit was very passionate about the development of his home from beginning to end, missing a few days of school during the build as he was so excited and eager to help!



By following this three step method, it is ensured that our diagnosis of local problems is accurate, making for the most tailored, and therefore effective, relief projects. To reiterate the difference that our work is making, have a look at the following statistic. In all of India, seventy two thousand, six hundred and thirty eight sanitation units were installed, helping three hundred and sixty three thousand, one hundred and ninety people. Making the following ratio true, this accounts for one unit to every five people.

To continue supporting India’s Sanitation project, please donate today.

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