If you have decided to run your own event, these How to Guides will help you to think about the process from start to finish.
Some overall tips for organising an event
- Make sure that your event doesn’t clash with any other major events in your area or nationally
- Write a checklist of all the things that need to happen before the day and make sure you prioritise
- Try to get as much as possible donated for free by local businesses in return for a bit of publicity (e.g. mention them in a press release to the local paper, put their business cards on tables).
- Whatever your event, always make sure that you have a display somewhere accessible about Habitat for Humanity and why you are raising money.
The venue
- Always approach your venue as early as possible to avoid disappointment.
- Make sure the venue management is aware that you would like to use their space for a charity event. They will often donate their venue to you for free or give you discounts/gifts to make sure your event is a success.
When booking a venue for your event, always consider the following:
- Is the venue easy to access? Think about its location for your guests.
- Does it have parking?
- How many people can the venue accommodate?
- Does the venue have the correct licenses needed for the event?
- Can you take a percentage of the bar takings/ organise deals on drinks and food for your guests?
Selling tickets
- Start selling tickets in advance rather than on the door. That way you know how many people are attending. You could always keep a certain amount aside for tickets on the night.
- If you want to sell tickets on the door, make sure you know how many tickets have already been sold and how many you have left to sell. Your venue will have a strict policy on how many people it can accommodate for insurance and safety reasons.
During the event
- Always try to arrive as early as possible at your venue, so that you have enough time to set up your event. Leave enough time to decorate, test technical equipment and check the venue staff are happy with the arrangements
- You could place collection boxes around the venue – email our Supporter Services team if you need collection boxes: hello@habitatforhumanity.org.uk
- Please do take lots of photos and send them into our Supporter Services team!
After the event
Thank all the attendees and let them know how much you raised. It’s a great feeling for them to know that they were part of a successful event.
- Don’t forget to thank the venue for having you for the evening! It’s great news for them if the event was a success and by maintaining a good relationship, you know you could call on them again to host future events.
- Once you have counted up the money you collect at the event, upload it onto your fundraising page as an offline donation.
- Don’t forget to give us a call and let us know how it went!
What to do with your money?
- Whenever possible, direct your sponsors to your own online fundraising page.
- Ask your sponsors to give you their sponsor money at the time that they sponsor you. It will save you having to catch up with them again after your sponsored activity.
- Wherever possible, ask for a cheque (made payable to Habitat for Humanity). It’s too easy to get coins and notes muddled and it’s also easier to keep tabs on who has or hasn’t paid up.
- If people give you cash, write down who has given you what. Write a cheque payable to Habitat for Humanity for the amount of cash or arrange a bank transfer. On the back of the cheque, or on a note with the postal order, write the names of the sponsors and the amount they gave.
If you would like a sponsorship form, email hello@habitatforhumanity.org.uk