Change the world through shelter – have your will written for free today!
Make your mark. Change the world through shelter.
The smile on a child’s face as they step into a home they can call their own for the very first time. The relief a parent feels at having a secure lockable door so their family are protected, The joy of a grandmother able to sleep safely for the first time in her life. A community able to thrive.
All this can be made possible thanks to the generosity of our supporters who leave a gift in their will to help us change the world through shelter.
Transforming tomorrows, today…
Leaving a gift in your will to Habitat for Humanity Great Britain is a profound way to continue making a difference even after you’re gone. These gifts, often referred to as ‘legacy gifts’, play a crucial role in ensuring that we can continue our vital work of building and renovating homes for families in housing poverty.
When you leave a gift in your will to Habitat for Humanity Great Britain, you’re constructing more than just homes; you’re crafting hope of and brighter tomorrows. You’re building something that can last forever, enabling families to break the cycle of poverty and thrive for generations to come.
The Power of Your Gift
By including Habitat for Humanity Great Britain in your will, you become part of a network of individuals who share a deep commitment to creating a world where everyone has a decent place to live.
Your gift, no matter the size, has the power to make a significant impact. From helping us construct homes in Malawi, to supporting vulnerable households in Cambodia, to regenerating empty properties here in Britain for those at risk of homelessness, your support is the foundation for brighter futures that positively impacts entire communities for generations.