Philanthropy and Business

Philanthropic giving is most often associated with individual gifts, but it is much broader than that, with different mechanisms for giving, including donations from corporate Foundations. Here, Zara Idris, ESG & Foundation Manager, shares more about the work of the Lords Group Foundation.

philanthropy - lords group foundationLords Group Foundation was established by Lords Group Trading in 2021, building on the philanthropic legacy and charitable work of the majority family shareholders who founded the business in 1985.

The business has grown rapidly over the past few years, and establishing the Foundation has allowed us to formalise the business’ charitable giving strategy and maximise its impact. The Group has committed to donating £200,000 each year to the Foundation.

Supporting the community

As a business, we pride ourselves on being a leader in our local markets and recognise the associated responsibility to contribute to and support our local communities. Lords Group Foundation therefore aims to place Lords at the heart of our local communities, by focusing support on charitable community projects local to our businesses. We particularly welcome applications from community centres, as a lack of funding has been identified for these much used and needed community hubs.

“As a family, we recognise the importance of both giving back and sharing our success. We want to create a legacy that involves the whole Lords Group Trading family, which is rooted in recognising and supporting our wider communities.” – Shanker Patel, CEO

Supporting our colleagues

We have a charitable workforce, and we want to harness and encourage the personal passion and commitment of many Lords colleagues to fundraising and charitable activities, offering match funding for any charitable initiatives by colleagues, up to a value of £1,000. The Foundation also provides opportunities for our colleagues to determine how we support their local communities and causes that they care about, with teams identifying partner projects close to their branches. Through the work of the Foundation we aim to ensure that Lords Group Trading is an engaging and rewarding place to work, where our colleagues can thrive and contribute to their local communities.

Recent examples of projects supported include New Langley Community Association who bought two new cookers for their Lunch Club for older people. Tools and materials were donated to Habitat for Humanity’s Upcycling Workshop, which upcycles furniture for vulnerable groups to transform empty spaces into homes.

Find out more about Lords Group Foundation here.

Author: Zara Idris

Zara philanthropy blog


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