Thank you so much!


We’ve received your donation and are extremely thankful for your support of our work across the world.

We help a family every 5.5 minutes and since 1976 we have built, repaired and renovated over 1 million homes helping over 10 million people.

Thank you for being part of this.

Follow the impact of your donation:
sign up to our monthly e-newsletter

Why sign up

Follow the impact of your donation

For every £1 you give, we spend:

  • 90p on implementing our vision through our programmes (building and repairing homes, providing vital skills, responding to disasters, etc)
  • 10p on raising the next £1 as well as governance and administrative costs

Receive monthly updates

By signing up to receive our monthly e-newsletter “Zikomo” (“thank you” in Chichewa), we will send you updates about our work, latest projects and impact around the world.

You will also receive opportunities to support our mission through fundraising and volunteering.