Celebrating Women's Rights with Hibiscus Initiatives

International Women's Day 2017

International Women’s Day, a global day celebrating the social, economic, political and cultural achievements of women. A day to recognise bias and inequality against women, campaign for women’s education and against violence. Once we acknowledge these core issues and biases, then we can champion for change.

In acknowledgement of the substantial role gender inequality plays in the home, land and home ownership rights, Habitat for Humanity places great significance on women empowerment and advocacy for women’s right worldwide.

In Great Britain, we also support the empowerment of women through hosting women build weeks and supporting partner charities such as Hibiscus Initiatives and Housing for Women to provide safe, decent and affordable homes and improved community facilities for women in need.

Hibiscus Initiatives, one of our newest partners, a charity working with marginalised Black and Minority Ethnic Foreign National and Migrant offenders and detainees in custody, detention and the community. The charity engages and works with clients to support and empower them in addressing and dealing with their multiple complex needs.

Most recently, we completed a Hub space for Hibiscus Initiatives, “a unique women-only, safe and welcoming space where the women can access a range of services under one roof, including casework, education, training, bespoke workshops and legal clinics”. With the help of volunteers and our construction team HfH Homes were able to support Hibiscus Initiatives in creating a homely, child-friendly space for their clients.


Housing for Women, a charity we have partnered with for more than 8 years. HfH Homes have provided 6 affordable homes for 17 women and their families who have been subject to domestic violence and abuse, or in housing need.  Projects in development, in partnership with Housing for Women, will also provide another three flats for three more families in housing need. With the help of our corporate partners and volunteers, we have also helped to make several refuges in London more welcoming and homely for women and their children, through improving their communal areas with painting and decorating.


Housing for Women and Hibiscus Initiatives are charities who work hard every day to empower, engage and support women, to ensure their basic needs are met and voices are heard. With projects on the horizon this year with these charity partners, HfH homes invite you to engage and offer your support. Whether you would like to fundraise as a corporate team or an individual to volunteer on our sites supporting these charities, or sign up to join an international Women’s Build with Habitat for Humanity Great Britain, we would like to hear from you.