In 40 years (1982-2022), Habitat for Humanity Kenya has enabled low-income families in 250 communities to access safe and decent housing through their projects.
Kenya has an annual housing demand of 250,000 units with an estimated supply of 50,000 units, culminating in a housing deficit of 2 million units, or an 80% deficit. Being able to afford housing is a key challenge in Kenya and many people are unable to afford their own home.

With around 6.4 million people living in Kenya’s urban population living in informal settlements, Habitat for Humanity Kenya are working to support vulnerable communities to move from these informal settlements into safe shelter.
To celebrate turning 40 years old, Habitat for Humanity Kenya have begun on a journey to build 40 new homes. These homes will benefit vulnerable community members that have been selected in collaboration with churches, community leaders and local governments. In addition to working with partners, meetings were also conducted with community members to identify the most vulnerable families within the areas of Konani, Take, Baomo and Mwina.
The selected beneficiaries are comprised of child-headed households, widows and widowers, people affected by HIV, orphans and vulnerable children and people living with disability.

Throughout 2022 the team in Kenya have a packed schedule of events that will see the involvement of local volunteers from all walks of life participating in the building processes of constructing 40 homes. By involving local volunteers in the construction process and in wider events, Habitat for Humanity Kenya will encourage good citizenship and provide a space for local people to learn about building processes and housing rights.
To begin the 40 at 40 project, Habitat for Humanity Kenya hosted a brick laying ceremony in March 2022 in the town of Machakos which marked the beginning of construction. As part of the event, Martha Koome, the Chief Justice of Kenya, and her office supplied donations of soft furnishings to aid families transitioning into their new homes.

As the year progresses we hope to provide you with more updates on this project as Habitat for Humanity Kenya help more people to have a safe place to call home. You can also stay up to date with Kenya’s 40 at 40 project by following their projects on instagram: @hfhkenya