Meet Grace
Grace lives in Machakos, Kenya, and is a widow. She is 61, and has a number of health problems, including high blood pressure – but this doesn’t stop her helping to raise her two grandchildren. Their mother, Grace’s daughter, is a single mother, and the family survive on the small income Grace’s daughter earns from seasonal, menial jobs, working while Grace cares for the children.
Their house – made from mud and corrugated iron sheet – is too small. They are grateful for the help of their neighbours, who do what they can to support with food and medicine. Grace did the best she could to care for her family, but it wasn’t easy, and there was little prospect of things changing. Then, she was given the life changing opportunity of a new home.
“Being a widow makes it very hard to raise my children – paying for food, medication, education. The new house will take me from misery to happiness. I know me and my family are going to enjoy this house. I’m very delighted having this home – I hope Habitat help more and more communities like mine.” – Grace
We would like to invite you to make a transformational gift to this project and our work around the world by supporting us to build more homes for people like Grace and Magdalene – some ways you can do this are below. As a key supporter, we will keep you updated with news from our work on Kenya, and tell you how your gift is making a difference.
A new, quality home in Kenya costs £5,400.
It’s a huge sum for someone living in poverty, but by joining with other supporters you can bring decent homes to more people – imagine what a difference it makes to have simple basics most of us take for granted; a front door that closes securely, a roof that doesn’t leak.
If 5 donors like you donate £1,080 we could cover the cost of
a house in Kenya
If 10 donors like you donate £540 we could cover the cost of
a house in Kenya
If 20 donors like you donate £270 we could cover the cost of
a house in Kenya
If you would like to make a transformational gift to Habitat for Humanity Great Britain please donate below or contact Jemma Chambers at to discuss how your transformational gift can change lives.
Brick by brick, you can make a difference.
Thank you