We are delighted to be able to report on two of our beneficiaries from Salima, Malawi.
Tesha George’s family
Single mother Tesha George and her children are now happy and safe within their newly completed home.
Team Leader Livi Warnes remembers the family situation prior to the build. “Tesha and her baby were living together in a family member’s home. The house itself was not fit for purpose by any stretch of the imagination for a mum with a young baby. To add to this, Tesha had sadly recently lost her husband to malaria.
Tesha’s young boys were living on the stoops of other houses in the village. Their lack of a fit for purpose home meant that they were rained on at night, living in cramped uncomfortable conditions and, that they were separated from each other. Upsettingly, the young boys were having to fend for themselves and rely on the kindness of the community, who do not have much to give, to help them with tasks that those with a home can take for granted.”
Now 24 years old, Tesha and her children Priscilla, Christopher R and, Christopher D have a home that they can thrive in. After the long period of separation between the family members, it is heart-warming to see the family together in a safe and decent home for the children to grow up in.
Once the build was complete, we asked Livi how she felt about the work that had been done. Recalling the build, Livi explained that she feels a huge array of emotions in knowing that the family is safe and secure together.
“The next step is to make sure the next family in need gets the same.”
When asked what the family’s situation may be like once the build was completed Livi imagined that the family would have a space to cook and farmland to grow produce. She also hoped that the family’s life would be a little easier to manage through the provision of a Habitat Home.
Jessy Mwese’s family
Similarly to Tesha and her family, we are extremely happy to be able to update you all on Jessy Mwese and her family. Due to unforeseen circumstances Jessy became the main carer of her four lively grandchildren, Wongani age 8, Rebecca age 6, Esnart age 5, and Sautso age 11.
With all four children to care for it was vital that Jessy have a functional, safe home for the children to grow up in.
We at Habitat for Humanity GB are incredibly happy to report that Tesha and Jessy’s hopes are no longer merely hopes. Both families have moved into their new respective homes and are finally able to begin really thriving as families. They can shelter from the rain and have better protection from the threat of disease.
We simply could not help as many families as we do without our generous supporters and volunteers. On behalf of Tesha and Jessy, and all the team at HFHGB – thank you.