“When the house is finally completed, my children will be going to school every day; no more cases of coughing or malaria will be registered again. My house is now at plastering stage. Many thanks to Albright Dene and Habitat for Humanity” says Kayi.
Kayi Matola comes from Mnima in the Salima district of Malawi. She looks after two orphans – Twaibu and Selemani. Last year, her husband died in a car accident. Before we started working with Kayi, she lived in a three roomed house, made from unburnt bricks. The roof was porous, the floor dusty in summer and muddy during the rainy season. The windows were poorly made and dusty, leading to poor ventilation.
The family had no access to mosquito nets, so Kayi and the children would frequently contract malaria. The family had to walk to the Salima District hospital to get free treatment. Poor and dangerous toilet facilities led to the family contracting other health-related illnesses.
Kayi and her son Twaibu standing on the new house
Kayi’s old and new toilet