Stories from Sri Lanka
Habitat for Humanity provide small interest-free loans in order to help families build or renovate their homes in stages. Families contribute their own labour, or sweat equity, alongside skilled workers and volunteers to construct their new homes prior to moving in.
Our local office provides affordable homes through housing micro-loans. To build a new house in stages, a family can apply for a loan of 50,000 Sri Lanka rupees (about US$380). This is expected to be repaid within four years. After the initial loan is repaid, another loan can be taken out until the house is completed. For house repairs or renovations, a family can take out a loan of 25,000 Sri Lankan rupees and repay it in two years.
Since 2001, we have has trained 2,000 households in the use of the solar cooker. Solar energy, in contrast to wood or coal fire used in cooking, reduces greenhouse gas emissions (and respiratory diseases in poorly ventilated houses). Women have more time for other household chores and work because they do not have to keep an eye on the food as it cooks.
We have also distributed more than 7,000 seedlings of trees since 2005. This includes teak, mahogany, jak and tumbuk to families. With these fruit and vegetable seeds, families can start home gardens. Gardens that yield produce to supplement their food intake and reduce expenses.
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